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Essentials of Video Communication

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Essentials of Video Communication

2015 has been heralded as the year of video. Whether video deserves that honor or not is another discussion, but we all understand the importance of video in our lives today. Be it on trains on buses, we are all consuming video regularly. YouTube revolutionized video sharing and since then it has only gone from strength to strength. 

Video is consumed in various formats and on multiple devices. We even watch television shows on our phones and iPads today. There are many benefits of including video in your content marketing strategy:

- It helps with Search Engine Optimization

- It is one of the most effective ways to communicate, it engages the senses of sight and sound. Hence, double the impact and more room for creativity.

- It is accessible on multiple devices, and you can watch it when you're on the go

- It is one of the fastest growing forms of communication

- With multiple platforms available to upload and host videos which allow you to measure its reach and effectiveness, companies are no longer in the dark about the performance of their videos

Video Marketing:

So, you've decided to get on board with video as part of your content and communication strategy. Start off with getting your project plan and budget in place. The three things you need to keep in mind while producing your video are:

What is the objective you intent to achieve with your video? Is it an educational video? Is it a corporate video? Is it meant to generate leads? Coming up with a story board for your video, and ensuring your video sticks to the key message becomes easy once you have a very clear objective in mind. 

Who are you producing the video for? What kind of content do they like to consume? The style and type of video you produce depends on the consumption patterns of the audience you produce it for. While there is room to make even corporate videos creative, without a clear picture of the target audience in mind, your video could miss the mark.

What is your call to action? What are you asking your audience to do with this video? Use your video as a medium to invite your audience to follow your content, buy your product, subscribe to your channel. Video gives you the incredible opportunity to show and tell. Use it wisely and ensure you include a call to action in the form of annotations or have your presenter/actor/emcee say it at the beginning or the end of the video. 

Video Production:

With the iPhone introducing 4k video, everyone with a smartphone is now a video expert. You can choose to do videos internally or outsource it to professionals. But you must ensure that the video complies with your brand personality. Redbull's videos shot on GoPro cameras take a lot of effort, time and money. They aren't as effortless as they make it look. There are multiple cameras, lights and editing equipment in place to make it look as cool as it does. 

Setting up for a shoot can take hours, and even a minor change in detail may require the entire set up to be redone. Make sure you have a clear storyboard and plan in place and try and stick to it as much as possible. 

The right lights and make-up contribute a lot in making a video look more professional. The subject on camera looks less shiny, you can avoid shadows on their faces and they look more presentable on camera. While these details may seem inconsequential when it comes to the bigger picture, they contribute a great deal in ensuring the focus is on your bigger picture. 


There is no set amount on how much a video will cost to produce. The quality of equipment required and the time involved varies and hence costs are variable. Do your research about the various kinds of videos you can produce and choose the one that best suits your objective and budget. If you compromise on quality to fit the video into a 'tight' budget, it will show. And you may end up with a video that looks very different from how you envisioned it. 


You've produced your video, its all you wanted it to look like, you've got it up on your YouTube channel and your website. Now what? 

We have this trouble with a lot of our clients too, they don't make enough noise about their video. Treat it like your blockbuster production! You've  just spent a lot of effort and money to produce some amazing content. Make sure you get it out there and share it with your business and social community. Add it in your weekly newsletter, add a link to the video with your email signature, share and re-share it on your social network. Make sure all your employees share it with their network. Make sure your title, tags and description are informative enough to reach the right audience. 

Videos provide you a creative avenue to get your message out to the right audience in a shorter amount of time. Almost every social network has a video application built in today and that should tell you something about its importance. Hop on the bandwagon real quick or you risk being left out completely! 




Mark Laudi

Mark Laudi

Press contact Managing Director (+65) 6223 2249

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